Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year ^_^

Hello !!!!!!
WOW ! I'm soo excited..

Glitter Graphics

P.S my blog is now updated.Click here to veiw it. I would like to thank TAYLORGREENX for updating my blog with new header banner and other stuff
Heres new signature she made for me ^_^So sweet

Anyways guys enjoy your new year .. !'
Bext wishes are always with u ;)
Byee .. Wanna enjoy my new year life Rofl xDD
You too enjoy !

B'day card for India10

Hello guyz !
It was my bff's b'day today on cho..
He became 400 so its obvious for me to make a card for him right !
I made one using his fav colour and my fav colour
Check the card
Howz it ? I hope u like it ;)
Byee !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Party pix xD

Hello everyone !
Royal is superb.She hosted a party with soo much of rain I got many colourful items :)
What did u get?
Here are some party pix
Thank you Royal !
Byee guyz !

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

B'day card !

Hello xD
How are you everyone ?I hope you are fine :)
It was one of my besties b'day yesterday on chobots and I made a card for her yesterday but I was a bit busy so I couldn't post..
Well check it out !
She really loved it,Do you like it?
Byee ! xD

Monday, December 27, 2010


Hey guys :D
Well I was wondering if you need a...




2 items

Hey guys, I was bored of looking dull around cho so I bought these two items

A carrot backpack and falmeboots, this is what they look like in the wardrobe to agents and old cho's, if you want one theyre in the crown catolog, the flameboots are non citizen at £12.99 and the carrot backpack is £4.99 for citizens but is a non citizen item when your citizenship runs out

So if you want these items then go and buy them like me, it took about 5 mins, maybe you could use some christmas money? who knows

Peace out

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Signature for hechmex1!!!!!!!! :D

Heyyyyy :DD
New signature for Hechmex1!! :)

Hope you like it!! :D
Enjoyyyyyyyyyyy =D

A little parttyy :]]]]

Heeeeey =]x
Some pics of the partieh with the "unknown  moderator xD"

An old Winter Drawing when i was not an agent :]x

Ahmazing drawing :D

Heyyyyyy =]
I found this amazing drawing by our agent Guguzi in the agent Underground! :D
Shes an awesome artist but also an mazing friend!

Update & Waffles!

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =]
Finished the updates of the blog :)
Hope you like them!! :)

Some waffle drawings... (for a contest on Sapfiras blog)

I'm hungry now :3

Darel's cake for Luvlie !

Heya guys and gals ! :)
Today Darel made a Yummy , Awesome , Delicious cake for Luvlie !
Check it out ;)
The cake was really sweet !
Luvlie is lucky tht she has got sweet frnds making sweet cakes for her ;)
Anyways ! Byee

The poll has ended :D

Hey guys :)

The poll of "What will you do on Christmas"
Has ended cause I am making a new poll soon! :)

Most of you (62%) will spent time with your family & friends!! (:
Wow!thanks for voting guys :)

Cho-Christmas !

Hello everyone !
Sparklybluez here xD
How r u all ?
Today I found a superb website on Cheweh's blog
Heres the Invitation for you :)
And don't forget to add these invitation cards of your blog

New author- Mistress of magic

Hiya cho's :D
Im the new author, Kamekmagicmixer, heres a photo to all that dont know me
Next to me is meh pet munchy, he likes pizza =D
I will be posting on graffiti/chobot art that I have seen and awesome styles
Thats all I gotta say for now,

Peace out

Friday, December 24, 2010

Signatures (:

Hello :)

For :
Supersamhero :)

More coming soon..

For :


Coolchrisp! :)