Interview with our Agent Itune!

Hello My Dear cho readers!:)
Our Dearest (AWESOME) Agent Itune Has Really Kind fully Accepted Too Get An Interview From Meh 8D
Here Is Her Playercard!

Lostariel = Me
Itune = The one we are interviewing!

The Exact Interview!!

lostariel: Hello :)

itune: hi x]]

lostariel: Well Agent Itune I would Like Too Ask You some Qeustions ^^

itune: Sure :)

lostariel: Well How Did You Become An Agent? :)

itune: I Worked Hard For It, but my goal was not to become an agent, cuz if it was i would always think of it! :)

lostariel: Well If like someone and someone else were having a fight what will you do? :)

itune: Most fights are between best friends, if it was i would say that common guys your best friends and
no one can live without friends ;)

lostariel: If a famous agent broke the rules and you saw them later as your duty of an agent what will you do?

itune: i will say "Why Are You Breaking Rules? You Accepted The Rules When you Were An Agent And now you  Break it? it's not about you were an agent but if you played chobots you have to follow rules chobots is not like another game, it's a special game, and it has the best team :]

lostariel: What shall a chobot that wants too be an agent do?

itune: he\she Should Work hardly from heart, never break a rule, he\she should enter contests, and as i know he\she's goal should not be to become an agent :)

lostariel: Thank you Agent Itune You Really Helped Out with this Interview!

itune: Anytime! And thx! ;]

Well Thank You For Reading This Interview!!
Special thanks to Itune :))