Thursday, April 29, 2010

New items again:D

Hello :D

How are you today??
Look at this wonderful clothes, skirts,shorts,costumes and hair:P

Well bai:))
Cya around:))

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello everybody,

Sorry for not posting as usually I wasn't feeling to well...
Well I drew this today:
It's a fairy:P
Well goodbye:))

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Agent poll is close:D

Hiya guys:D

The agent poll is closed im going to send the results to Tina:)) This is the poll:

And this are tha winners(there are 6)
Well bai:D

Friday, April 23, 2010

Moreeeee items:D

Hello again:P

How are you on this wonderful day:P
:))Hope everything is ok :D
Well bai:P

Pink05 drawing:D

Hai everybody:D

Look what an old friend of mine drew:
Well what are your opinions about it?
Well baiiii8D

More and more cool items:D

Hey guys,

Look new items:O

Do you like them??
Well goodbye:DD

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Party with jess:D


I just logged in and there was a party at cafe first i thought it was hiki..but it was jess:D I took some pictures:O

Where you in tha party??????(rofl)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dian got hacked D:

Hello Pies & Muffins!

I'm here to tell you that Dianamisaki got hacked!
If you see her on Chobots,thats NOT the real one!

She is using "yhanz" to play Chobots for now

We're trying our best to help her!
For more information about the hacker,go to
Be aware of hackers! D:


Are new mod:P


Today i just learned....that puffles is a new mod!!!:D
Well bai:P

Friday, April 16, 2010

New items! ^^

Ello Chobots! :))

There're some new items on Chobots! Have you seen them?

I love them! Do you?


Thursday, April 15, 2010


They poll has closed:
~drums rolls~ And tha winner is:
Robo-z suit!!!Yay!:D
Well bai:D

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Some drawings I made:D

Hai guys,

I was sooo busy doing my drawings but i had to do another things to!!Sorry that i didn't post the drawings on computer got crazy...idk if it has blond hair xD
Vanessahudgens98 :D

Sorry but click to get a better view of it:D
Well do you like it??Please write in comments:D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey cho readers!!!
There is a new poll on tha main blog!:
This are tha boy designs!!8D
Which one do you prefer?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ele is leaving!!D=

Hello guys:(

I am really sad this very moment:(
Bad...News Ele is leaving/quiting D:
Bai bai Ele!!
~gives all tha pies,hugglies and cookies in tha world!!~