Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New membership items wooo :D

Hello there,
How are you my dear friends?? :))

This are the new month membership items :))
Wooot :D

I want the teddie :)))



Hello my dear chobots :))

I won a P-A-I-N-T-B-R-U-S-H-!-!-!

This is the drawing that I won with :

And this is a cool drawing :))
Here it is :))

Baiii :)))


Monday, August 30, 2010

Cool Drawings Spotted!!:)

Today me and my friend Sapphie Drew her x))
It started to faid so..
Here it is :D
This is a random drawing by William xDD
Nice work :D

Cya next time!!:)


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello this is a random post :))
This is my twin and this our outfit that we are going to wear on the nichos party x))
Here is a pic xP

My twin ish Halloween2009!!:))
What are you going to wear write me in comments!!:))


Friday, August 27, 2010

New drawing by meh xD

Hello my dear chobots,
This is my latest drawing roxyy!!:)
You may think who ish roxyy o: 
Well the full name ish Burgerrox her nickname that I call her is roxy (I created it)
She is really sweet!!:)
This is the picture/drawing ^^

Thank you for reading this post...
Peace out :))


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Early Updates!

Hey guys the updates are early look in the shop! :D

They've added a Pharaoh mask, Baseball suit, cute suit for girls and an awesome hair for non-citizens cool right? =D

Checkers Results

Hey guys checkers is OOOVEER O: so heres the results ^.^

The winners get: Jbin - 2 weeks of citizenship.
Sahilsahil - 1 week of citizenship.
Arno0b - 5 days of free membership.

Good job guys u were epic out there! xDD

The first chobot :o

Hello my dear friends:))

Yesterday I found in the underground this cool drawing by our agent, coffee!!:)
The first chobot:


Awesome Party!

Party Party Party!
It Was So Fun!

Header & Signatures for Lambyyy 8DD

Lambyy This is ur header and the Signatures you asked for :))

(please click to enlarge!)

 Thanks for waiting :))

Hope you likey them :DD


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chopix :D

Hello :)

Chopix ish backk wooo :)))

So don't be lazy!! Go and find those spies :))


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cheaters :o

Today a new contest is out the checkers contest!!
Gelu_cool and me we where playing checkers we spotted some cheaters!!
Look at this pic!!

No cheating please follow the rules!

Checkers Competition!

Hey guys theres a competition at the academy...CHECKERS! =D head on down and play winners get citizenship and bugs! But only 2 days so you better hurry!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Fairy Tooth Contest!:)!

Hello :)

The results of the tooth fairy contest are out:DDD
!!Here are the winners!!




Epic robot battle:D

Hello :)

This was some cool move ele attacked me with :o

I didn't know about this move :o
It wash epic :D


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Many ppl asked me if I could make them a signature and I was like sure :)
So here they are ^^

Hope you like them ^^

Smiley potatoes:D


I randomly made some smiley potatoes for lunch today so...
I asked my friends if i should put a photo of them xD And most of them said yes!! :))
Here they are ^^

And this one was really tasty :)
And I don't know why it reminded me of the happy smiley emotion face on chobots^^
Well baii :D


Hey guys!!:)

Citizens Listen up!!:))
There ish a partiiiee going on in the...
HQ of citizens :D
Sooo... be there ^^

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tooth Fairy Drawing Contest!


There ish a Drawing contest about...
Yes the Tooth Fairy!!:)
Well good luck too everyone ^^

Soemthing that made be lolish xD

Hello xDD
Yesterday I let my little sister
go on my account "Lostariel"
She played for like 1 hour -.- I was shopping wooohooo:))

When I came back I found this....
I really had only two options:
a) Kill my little sister (just get angry with her)
b) Leave it because its lolish ^^
I did both :D
Well thats all:)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Author ;)

My Name Is Lambyyy. I Am A New Author On
This Fantastic Blog!
I Am A Reader Of This Blog
And I Feel Very Proud To Work On It!
See You 'Round!

Contest oooo contest:D

Heyoow :)

There is a garbage collector contest ^^
Good luck :)
Let the best warriors of garbage fighting win!!^^


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Racer Competition Reeesuuults!

Hey guys heres the racer game results for citizenship :D

Tapity1 gets 3 weeks of citizenship

Snooopy63 - 2 weeks of citizenship

Jbin and Weibin - 1 week of citizenship

ooo: Nice job guuys :D

Dun dun dun....

This ish...
Woot yesh 300th post:))
Thank you too all our new and old authurs^-^
This are some cookies for all of you that supported this blog!!:)
Hope you enjoy!!:)
And I want to do something artistic...
I will do signatures for everyone that asks!!:)
My name:Lostariel
What colors I want on my signature(1-2 colors^-^) : purple and black^-^
What I want on it: Shine effects etc.
And defiantly what would you like it too be saying: My chobots name

Thank you for reading:)