Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stylish chobots!

Heya guys!
Today I found some 4 pretty styles , let's take a look at them :

Well done : Gelu_cool , Gemsgirl, Water_misty and Gerrard16229!
Who will be next? Will it be you? I hope so. :D

Cya soon!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Style party!

Hello chobots! :D
Style party at 2pm ( cho time) in cafe st!
Be there are be square! xD

I can't make it cause of school lol , i'm going to be square.

The best styles will be on Hiki's blog, also Hiki has updated the blog list, if you think your blog should be on the blogroll then comment
your link in the comments.

Cya soon!

P.S comment HERE!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stylish chobots!

Hi everyone! :)

Today i found some awesome styles, let's have a look at them :

Welldone to : Im2cool4school,Taylorgreenx,Masterhelper,Dovelydove,Fireblaze678 and Sweetchick! You all have awesome styles!

Cya soon!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello friends! :D
Some people have been complaining about the loss of 3 days of citizenship ever since chobots was down. On Monday 9th May Hiki will add 3 more days to the people who are citizens. Enjoy! :D

(picture from Hiki)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy b-day LOSTI! :D

Hi friends! :D
Today it was a special day for someone, can you guess who it is?
She is friendly , she is an agent and she is 100% AWESOME :D
Its our very own ... LOSTARIEL!Today is drew a little b-day present for the b-day girl :

Have a great b-day Losti , we all wish you have a great 600th b-day!
Cya soon!

Citizen items!

Hello everyone!
Today we go new citizenship items. Take a look :

Which ones your favourite? Mine is the umbrella!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Agent poll!

Hey guys!

Finally the agent poll is out , you have 10 options!
  • Newzealand1234
  • Gonzales
  • Yellowbell
  • Kaicooper
  • Iepure64
  • Yourbestfriend
  • Boy11
  • Vasa12345
  • Cheweh
  • Taylorgreenx
Its your choice so who do you think should be an agent? You can vote on the official blog at the side.
Good luck to all of you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Authors for

Heey there!
I know i may have not been posting much , but i would like to say that my blog ( is looking for 3 authors. If you want to apply to become an author please comment on my blog . There will be more details there.

I also spotted some rocking styles!
Well done to Alioop , Fanta ( cool name xD) , Letshavesomefun and Sweetie101!
Keep it up!
Byee :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hey :D

Hei guys:)
Today I came to visit chobots!
One of my friends... informed me that there are some "guest" accounts with weird names that appear to come on chobots recently!Well i think this is very weird...
Well I was in the agent HQ and then three guest accounts came..
They weren't agents so how did they enter?
Are there hackers?
Why do they keep making more accounts?
Here is the picture I took :

Well for now Please Ignore and report them!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Robot guide !

Hello there! :D

I thought i might make you a guide about robots ( on cho ) , its not very long just a quicky xD .

Firstly , if you want a robot you need to go to the robot arena ( on the chobot map ) and talk to a man to get your robot! You can custimise the colour of your robot using the colour wheel , but please make sure your have 3000 bugs to pay for your robot!

Now you have your robot , what to do now ? Well you can battle agaisnt your friends robots, in the corner of the arena there are 2 purple circles . You stand on one and another cho stands on the other then its time to battle!
Now , at the battle , it shows the person your are agaisnt and you and the level you and the opisition is. There are also buttons , there is a circle in the middle and on the left side is the how you block. You can block to the middle head height and feet height cheese which one. Then there is the attack on the right side , exacly the same but choose where to attack . This battle goes on untill one of you looses your  health , the person that looses has to pay to repair their robot and the person who wins earns money .

What if you loose a battle ? At the robot arena ( and at your house for robot owners) , there is a robot repair machine , the higher level you are the more it costs for exmaple level 1 = 100 bugs level 4 = 400 bugs etc.

These were just the basic things about robots , to find out more go and explore in the arena!
Get battling! :D


Friday, March 11, 2011

New items!

Hello there, the chobots team have added in 2  items to the CROWN catalog! :] A shark board and a helicopter. These items are really worth buying even though it does have a price tag. Anyway, i hope you enjoy looking at these items and have a nice day !

Friday, March 4, 2011

New backrounds

Hello there,
The chobots team have decided to add 2 backrounds for you to use x]

You can see animated ones in the chobots shop right now!
Cyaa soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hi there,
Have you noticed there is a new advert on the home page (of chobots) , its for a great game on chobots called robots

If you havn't heard of it before...
its where you can buy a robot (whatever colour you like) you can buy stuff to protect your robot and go in battles with your friends. Also you can get robot teams and you can join your friends team if you wish. There is a place where you can battle your robot in the robot arena! x]

Cyaa soon!


Hello there! Today is 1st of March so that means new citizen items! x] If you cant read it , it says
" 1 month  , butterfly net
 6 months grasshopper
12 months(year) , melting icicle"
Cyaa soon with more updates :]

Friday, February 25, 2011

St patricks day!

Hello there x]
As St Patricks day edges nearer and nearer i drew a picture, hope you like it :]

incase you can't read it , it says " St Patricks day , will it be your lucky day?"

Enjoy x]]


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More about chobots!

Hello there!
As you may know, chobots was hacked so they had to close down for a few days. and are closed but is still avadiable so get online if not already x]  !

Each time you open up this comes up, if you can't read it it says....
" Chobots We'll be back shortley . Chobots will be unavadilable for a breif period, while we make some new and improved changes. Please try request again shortley, we apolgize for any inconvenisence."

Dont worry chobots team, we are okay for a while, :)
but apparently chobots will be opening again in a few hours fingers crossed everybody! x]
-Fingers crossed-

Cyaa soon!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Your swifty is back on the wall x]

Hello! :]
Today i drew mah dear friend Swifty, she is a kind girl at heart an deserves to be drawn so here she is ! x]

Enjoy1 ;D
(: Dizza :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sorry i havn't been posting much, as some of you may know this weekend and monday i am (hopefully xD ) moving into my new house that my dad built.
Anyway! Here is my art work ! xDD
Hope you enjoy,
I also have a bunch of cool items to show you! :)
Enjoy! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fab friday updates

Dizzah here with the latest fab friday updates ;D wow they are all great items !
Thanks much!
Baii !

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Citezen items!

Howdey! ;D
I'm here with the new citezen items , aren't they LOVEly xDD
Which ones your favourite?
Cyaa soon

Monday, January 31, 2011

Contest updates

Haii! ;D
Looks like the garbage contest has ended well done to all of you but espicially
You 3 came 1st ,2nd and 3rd
Congratz xD

As well as one contest ends another one starts
Hiki wants you to dress her up (Valentines style >:D )
More infomation on the main blog
Well,cyaa soon!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My art! ;D

Haii! :)

Just wanted to show you mah art work that i have done in the past ;D
Sooooo..... what do you think? Comment if you wish xDD
Cyaa soon!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My drawing for Valentines day ;p

Hey!! :)
Got good news :)
Well I drew a new drawing xD
Its for Valentines day :)


Still life drawing that I drew!! :D

Hey guys :)
Before few days I draw a still life drawings in real life!! I know its not the best but I tried my best :)
Hope you like it :)
Its my 4th still life drawing :)
By the way...
Please follow the rules and keep chobots safe :)
And mostly have fun :)

Haii! :)

Haii! :)

I'm a new author of Losti's blog, i will post daily

here ish mah playercard if you want to know what i look like xD

Have fun! ;D
Cyaa soon

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Backkk! :D

Hey guys!! :)
Well I'm finally free for homework and tests soo :) ...
I decided to come back :)
I missed all of you guys soooooooooooooooooo MUCH! :)
Well I am gonna do some new updates on this blog,header,signatures and backgrounds and widgets :)

Cya around ;p


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Art by Tovictory

Hello Everyone !
Today I saw a great art drawn by Tovictory :)
See >
It makes us feel cold when we see this art ! Brr xD

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bad news :(

Hello everyone
Its a bad news :(
My internet ain't working, so tht means I'll not be able to post till its alright again
Please forgive me...I'll not be able to log in chobots,take part in contests and chat with my frnds on skype/facebook etc...
I would say sorry specially to the blog admins on whos blog I work on :(

Sorry again

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Items

Hey guys
Happy 2011! and Happy January,

That means there are new citizenship items!
When you buy citizenship, one of these items comes free with it!

Hurry up, these items look cool !