Sunday, March 27, 2011

Robot guide !

Hello there! :D

I thought i might make you a guide about robots ( on cho ) , its not very long just a quicky xD .

Firstly , if you want a robot you need to go to the robot arena ( on the chobot map ) and talk to a man to get your robot! You can custimise the colour of your robot using the colour wheel , but please make sure your have 3000 bugs to pay for your robot!

Now you have your robot , what to do now ? Well you can battle agaisnt your friends robots, in the corner of the arena there are 2 purple circles . You stand on one and another cho stands on the other then its time to battle!
Now , at the battle , it shows the person your are agaisnt and you and the level you and the opisition is. There are also buttons , there is a circle in the middle and on the left side is the how you block. You can block to the middle head height and feet height cheese which one. Then there is the attack on the right side , exacly the same but choose where to attack . This battle goes on untill one of you looses your  health , the person that looses has to pay to repair their robot and the person who wins earns money .

What if you loose a battle ? At the robot arena ( and at your house for robot owners) , there is a robot repair machine , the higher level you are the more it costs for exmaple level 1 = 100 bugs level 4 = 400 bugs etc.

These were just the basic things about robots , to find out more go and explore in the arena!
Get battling! :D


Friday, March 11, 2011

New items!

Hello there, the chobots team have added in 2  items to the CROWN catalog! :] A shark board and a helicopter. These items are really worth buying even though it does have a price tag. Anyway, i hope you enjoy looking at these items and have a nice day !

Friday, March 4, 2011

New backrounds

Hello there,
The chobots team have decided to add 2 backrounds for you to use x]

You can see animated ones in the chobots shop right now!
Cyaa soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hi there,
Have you noticed there is a new advert on the home page (of chobots) , its for a great game on chobots called robots

If you havn't heard of it before...
its where you can buy a robot (whatever colour you like) you can buy stuff to protect your robot and go in battles with your friends. Also you can get robot teams and you can join your friends team if you wish. There is a place where you can battle your robot in the robot arena! x]

Cyaa soon!


Hello there! Today is 1st of March so that means new citizen items! x] If you cant read it , it says
" 1 month  , butterfly net
 6 months grasshopper
12 months(year) , melting icicle"
Cyaa soon with more updates :]