Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stylish chobots!

Heya guys!
Today I found some 4 pretty styles , let's take a look at them :

Well done : Gelu_cool , Gemsgirl, Water_misty and Gerrard16229!
Who will be next? Will it be you? I hope so. :D

Cya soon!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Style party!

Hello chobots! :D
Style party at 2pm ( cho time) in cafe st!
Be there are be square! xD

I can't make it cause of school lol , i'm going to be square.

The best styles will be on Hiki's blog, also Hiki has updated the blog list, if you think your blog should be on the blogroll then comment
your link in the comments.

Cya soon!

P.S comment HERE!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stylish chobots!

Hi everyone! :)

Today i found some awesome styles, let's have a look at them :

Welldone to : Im2cool4school,Taylorgreenx,Masterhelper,Dovelydove,Fireblaze678 and Sweetchick! You all have awesome styles!

Cya soon!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hello friends! :D
Some people have been complaining about the loss of 3 days of citizenship ever since chobots was down. On Monday 9th May Hiki will add 3 more days to the people who are citizens. Enjoy! :D

(picture from Hiki)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy b-day LOSTI! :D

Hi friends! :D
Today it was a special day for someone, can you guess who it is?
She is friendly , she is an agent and she is 100% AWESOME :D
Its our very own ... LOSTARIEL!Today is drew a little b-day present for the b-day girl :

Have a great b-day Losti , we all wish you have a great 600th b-day!
Cya soon!

Citizen items!

Hello everyone!
Today we go new citizenship items. Take a look :

Which ones your favourite? Mine is the umbrella!