Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Citizenship Items

Hey guys :)
There are some new citizenship items for the month of july! 
The 3D glasses and popcorn is 1 month, the jetpack (designed by klsporty) is 6 months, and the lightning animation is 12 months :) 

I think that the new citizenship items are awesome ^^ what do you guys think?

Drawing of Cp_fan

Hey guys :)
First of all i want to thank puffles for choosing me to go on to the 2nd round to of ahp =D Thanks :) I drew cp_fan last night, and I think its one of my best drawings yet :)
Hope you like it x)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

B-day of sparky!!!

Hello chobots^^

Today was Sparky2k9 200th b-day:
In this pic we where doing a coundown:D
Here many chobots said happy b-day to sparky and look at valikoss xDD:
Then Saphira came along to join tha fun with cat:
A fun moment O.o:
This rainmbow was really pretty8D
Saphira did this wonderful magic:

design A Place Contest

Hey guys :)
first, thanks so much lostariel for that wonderful post! i loved it =D jessie is hosting a new contest on the main blog. She wants you to imagine and design a new place  to go in the under construction place! 
The room can be whatever you want it to look like. It has to be a big pic of your area you designed, and she wants you to color it in. Also, design a full room, not an icon from the map. 

Winners get citizneship! Have fun :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tha sweetest(2) chobots I know:D

Dear chobots...

Remember hechmex1 our new aurthur??
Well I did this special post just for him^^
This are a few things that discribe him^^
And A card JUST FOR HIM!!
Hechiiiiiiiii hope you see this:D
~huggles and gives cookies~

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Lets start are day with music and love:
Soo pretty 8D!!Its a unique way to start your day on chobots with music ,love and magic!!!
Have a great day too!!:))

Checkers Contest Results

Hey guys :)
The checkers contest has ended! lets see the results
Jbin and Weibin win 7000 bugs and 2 weeks of citizenship
Purchase wins win 5000 bugs and 1 week of citizenship
Arno0b and Hooh2002 win 3000 bugs
Congratz guys =D

New Video Contest!

Hello everyone!
William is hosting a new video contest! This time you have to make your own epic fail xD
There will be 3 winners :) And maybe runner ups. 
You got a week, up until the 4th of july =D
good luck and have fun

Rons rainbow full of colours:D

Hello cho's:D

Today my friend Ron tha agent drew a colourful full of joy reinbow:D
This is tha drawing>:D
Awesome ha???

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The sweetest person that meens a lot for me!!

Hello this is a really S-P-E-C-I-A-L post:)
Its for a really sweet person adora many people know her:)(:
But for me shes aomething beyond special she is my best friend on chobots and I don't know but with her i feel special to i feel safe with her because I can hear her giving me advises!!
Addy this is a card for you i made with lots of love for you:) And this is something that is just little words that can describe you:

I hope you read this post!!!
PS:I will make more posts like this for more chobots to:)(:

Hello Chistochob

Hello everyone
chistochob is in the city, so get out your vacumes, because its time to pick up the trash :D
When you complete chistochob, you get these cool shoes, but to do him again, sell the shoes. You will recieve them again at the end :) Have fun.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New items:)(:

This is are new updates:)(: Enjoy!!
The pic was made by me:)(:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Checkers Contest!

Hello Chos :)
Get your brains ready, because there is a checkers contest that is going on right now!
The winners will get citizenship and bugs =D 
Good luck and have fun x)

A Nice Person!

Hey guys :)
I want to share with you an agent who is always there for you, who is sweet and kind. She has awesome styles and an awesome imagination. She is a true friend =D Her name is adora! 
Adora is such an amazing friend =D She has been one of my best friends for a long time! Thank you so much adora for helping me become the cho i am today :) -hugs-

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Awesome styles!

Hey guys :)

I found some very stylish chos this morning on chobots. 
Awesome styles =D

Cho-Team message:O

Hello guys:)(:
Cho-Team just sent this messege to everyone that was online on cho: Just sooo u know:)(:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hey guys :)
Look at this amazing drawing by icey24635 =D

Cute icey x) And here is a drawing I drew ;D
Its spirit ;D Thats all :)

Sweet Battle Results!

Hey guys :)
The sweet battle contest has ended. Lets see the results :)
wooblesooble and weibin both get 2 weeks of citizenship and 7000 bugs
hashem1999 gets 1 week of citizenship and 5000 bugs
jojoclement gets 3000 bugs

gratz guys ;D

Monday, June 21, 2010

New Author!

Hello Guys

Just in case if you dont know me, Im hechmex1. I am a new author on this amazing blog :) Thanks lostariel for adding me =D Heres what I look like.
Ill try to be posting daily ;) Here are some other blogs I work for

Thanks again lostariel for adding me :)

An awesome drawing of elmo:))

Hello chobots,


Today i found hechmex1 drawing a drwing of elmo::)(:

Its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute:))

Wanna party??:D

Hello guys:D

UPDATED: If you want to party with saphira and hikikomori check out the following post:))

The party starts at:13:00 CHO-TIME!!
Place: Cho Square:D

Were something cool:D

At the end of the party they will post the most stylish chobots they saw on the MAIN BLOG!!


Some drawings i drew of my best friends(i have 3 more best friends to:))

Hello everybody:))
This are 4 different pics of some chobots i drew:
guguzi:) adora:)

adora again xD
guguzi again xD
This are two chobots that will stay always in my heart because ther always ther for me and lots more!!
There more drawings coming up!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hello guys:))
Today is doll's real birthday sooooo.... I hope you have a fantastic day!!!
Lots of hapiness,

Thanksie's drawing:))

This is a drawing that thanksie drew look:

Great job thanksie:))

Friday, June 18, 2010

Smirky w ter design:)

Thia are some drawings that smirky drew:)

There awesome!!:)