Hello this is a really S-P-E-C-I-A-L post:)
Its for a really sweet person adora many people know her:)(:
But for me shes aomething beyond special she is my best friend on chobots and I don't know but with her i feel special to i feel safe with her because I can hear her giving me advises!!
Addy this is a card for you i made with lots of love for you:) And this is something that is just little words that can describe you:
PS:I will make more posts like this for more chobots to:)(:
Lostii ..I have no words to describe how special you made me feel..you are the most adorable and kind friend and you spread happiness where ever you go!
~huggles~ xD
Yuo are the kindest chobot in the whole planet and galaxy:)(:
You spread your kindeness where ever you go!!:)
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