Thursday, September 30, 2010

soz for not posting much :(

sorry i havent post much
i had some skool and homework 2 do :(
plz forgive meh D:

Thursday, September 23, 2010


hey im pink! :D
u seen me around xD
lololol im like the new authour xD

Wonderful drawing o:

Hey there o:
Look here o:
Its Smirkkkk 8DDD

On tha wall o:
Amazing!! :D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Choproff ish back 8DD

Hello guys!

How are you today?
Time to visit the Academy :)
Choproff is here to help you earn money and have fun!
Citizens get 400 bugs 
Juniors get 200 bugs 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Stylish boys :D

Hey guys!! :)
Back to report for boy's cool styles o:
It was somehow hard :3
But here they are :))

1) Blembiiieee 8D
2) Agent0001 xP
3) 3looi :DD

Great job ;D


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Awesome styles :))

Hello :D

This are some amazing styles I saw on my friends that where online ^^
a) Allstar0014

b) Athoory

c) Awesomejceey1

Nice job girls :))
Boys you are next xP


Happy 200th birthday luviiiiii ;D

Helllooooo :)))

Today its the birthday of Luvlie she is 200 ( on chobots )
I hope you have a great time on this special day for you ^^
I also hope this 200 days for you on chobots were and are
unique for you :))
Have a special time and have fun on chobots :D

Love ya as a friend and as a bestie ^^


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amazing art ;D

Ello x]]
This is an amazing drawing I found in the underground :)
It was made by Yhanz he awesome agent :)
Thats all for now :))

Monday, September 13, 2010

Comic winners ;D

Hello :))
The Teddy bear comic contest has ended :) I really LOL'd reading your comics xD
Here are the winners :




Congratz ;D


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fortune cookie day o:

Hello ;D
Today is the 13th of September that is known as....

The Fortune cookies day o:

Happy Fortune cookie day :)))



My drawing of my new special friend ^^

Hellooo :))

Before Gypman142 added me o:
Here is his player card :))

He is really talented at drawing and is really kind!! :)
He is also unique and a friend that is of kind :))

I drew this for Gyp ;))
Hope you liked it :))

I am sowwie o:

Hello :))
I am really sorry for not posting o:
Reason : Someone from my family passed away recently and I was really sad to post! I am sorry ):

This a little thing for all of you :)

If you are a girl ...
If you are  boy ...

Open it :))

I hope you like what you found inside :D

Saturday, September 11, 2010

No Posting No Author :(

Hai guys i am not really posting at all lost told me i have to post about twice a week i have not done that at ALL so i am leaving i'm sorry i wasn't posting :( bye fellow chos D=

Amazing Drawing o:

Hello everyone!! :)
Today I saw an amazing drawing at the underground Mimo City ^^

Its made by
Amazing job ^^

Hope you like it ^^ 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

=D News!

Hi chos! Williamz here!!! Got epic news! (mostly for me!)
First! New Magic in Coming Soon catalog!

And here are the epic news for me! I won a J2K shirt, house shirt and crown shirt on the same day!

... thats all!! PEACE

Thank you sister :)

Hello :))
Thank you Sister for this wonderful cake! :D
I love it sistiieeh ^^

Thank you again :)


365 days ... lots of memories ..

Hello :)

Today Finally I am 365 :)

This 365 days were great and they are :))

Thank you to everyone especially my friends :)
This days were great full of new adventures :)) New friendships, New Agents and sad times too :)

I want to thank some really special persons :)
- Adora ( Addie you are the light in the darkness you help me everywhere) 
- Valikoss ( Thanks for your advises!! )
- Dimila1999 ( Dimi you are really sweet ^^ )
- Gelu_cool ( Lol my brother :)) )
- Burgerox ( Burger you rock and you will always rock )
- Chogirl1605 ( Thank you for everything )
- Robots01 ( Everyone knows you are epic :D) 
-Luvlie  ( Thank you for letting me work on your blog my bestiee too :)) )
- Girlyworlystar ( Bestiieehh 8D )
- Heckmex1 (You were my friend for almost 3 months and you are one of the best Hechy )
- Bumble94566 ( I really miss you!! )
- Cheweh ( You were always the video maker I admired most! )
- Options ( Thank you for the lovely friendship we had and I am truly sorry!! )
- Catel42 ( My first friend on Chobots!! )
- Imagination ( You make me smile xP )
- Choobaca55 ( Yeah you are here too o: Cause you are one of the kind, Unique )
- Chropix ( Thanks for letting meh work on your blog!! )
- Pengui78 ( I will always miss you.. :) )
- Williamz ( Lol you always make meh laugh xP )
- Elementxtreme ( My video brother o: )
- Yellowhouse ( You are just EPIC!! :)) )
- Lavadog ( You are an awesome artist did you know that o: )
- Guguzi ( A great friend im gonna teach yeah Greek  o: )
- Hikikomori (  Your an amazing moderator )
- Peachiesocks ( I always and will admire you )
- Rogroze ( An awesome agent and a really good old friend )
- Rolex ( A great agent and friend )
- Birdblate ( Thanks youuh )

Thank you guys :)
If your not on the list I am sowwie o:
Some REALLY special friends did me some amazing things..    


                                 Thank you Chogirl :))

                                    Thank you Gelu!! :))

I just wanted too say you guys are amazing!! :))

Thank you for everything!! :DD


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Winners of the competition :D

Hellooo :))
 Did you enter the design warm clothes contest on the main blog o:?
Well here are the amazing entries and the winners :))Cherryb




Congratz! You guys win 2 weeks of free citizenship!!
Amazing job :D

Really sorry o:

Hello :))

I am really sorry for not posting anything the last days I went to a filled trip o:

   So I wanted too show you some pictures I took :)     
Its a lake o:
I guess you know that! :)
Well it was really peaceful :)

This is taken from the car I was in..
Its one of the good ones xP

And this is a tree that is called "Amigdalia"
And it Greek its called "Αμυγδαλιά"
Its the same thing lol xP

Well Byeee...


Friday, September 3, 2010

Epic news!!!?

Hey chos! Great news! New homepage! =D Autumn theme!

In other news there are 4 new items in the shop! =D

Epic right! Am i right!? Yeah!? ... no?........... DR. OCTOGONAPUS! BWAAAH!


New Authror!?

Wazzup Chos! Im the new author on this epic blog! Williamz! I'v always wanted to work on a girly blog =D XD

I'l be posting about the new stuff on chobots!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hikikomori And Sapfira's Party!:)

Hello :)
As you know there was a party going on with our dear mods Sapfira and Hiki :))
This are a few pictures I took :))

This is when they put too all of us peace flags 8D

And here we were getting tired!!


Header for Miniskirt ;)

This is Minskirt's Autumn Header:))
  (Click to see it at normal size)


Im sowwie :'(

I am really sowwie cause I did not enter your contest hechyy!!:(
Tinypic did not work for meh this days I don't know why )):
This is it thought :D
Hope you like it ^^''


Go go go xDD

Hey again xD
We Have too decorate our blog with Autumn Style :))
This is the exact post that Hikikomori posted on her blog :))


New homepage x]]

Hey my dear fellow chobots :))
We have a new awesome homepage!!:))

Yay!!Its really awesome :))


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lilki's B-day!

Hey guys today i set up lilki a b-day it was. Robotastic! :D It's was plenty of fun we played tug of war, danced, fooled around! xDD Here's a pic! She was super happy i guess xDD