Hello :)
Today Finally I am 365 :)
Today Finally I am 365 :)
This 365 days were great and they are :))
Thank you to everyone especially my friends :)
This days were great full of new adventures :)) New friendships, New Agents and sad times too :)
I want to thank some really special persons :)
- Adora ( Addie you are the light in the darkness you help me everywhere)
- Valikoss ( Thanks for your advises!! )
- Dimila1999 ( Dimi you are really sweet ^^ )
- Gelu_cool ( Lol my brother :)) )
- Burgerox ( Burger you rock and you will always rock )
- Chogirl1605 ( Thank you for everything )
- Robots01 ( Everyone knows you are epic :D)
-Luvlie ( Thank you for letting me work on your blog my bestiee too :)) )
- Girlyworlystar ( Bestiieehh 8D )
- Heckmex1 (You were my friend for almost 3 months and you are one of the best Hechy )
- Bumble94566 ( I really miss you!! )
- Cheweh ( You were always the video maker I admired most! )
- Options ( Thank you for the lovely friendship we had and I am truly sorry!! )- Catel42 ( My first friend on Chobots!! )
- Imagination ( You make me smile xP )
- Choobaca55 ( Yeah you are here too o: Cause you are one of the kind, Unique )
- Chropix ( Thanks for letting meh work on your blog!! )
- Pengui78 ( I will always miss you.. :) )
- Williamz ( Lol you always make meh laugh xP )
- Elementxtreme ( My video brother o: )
- Yellowhouse ( You are just EPIC!! :)) )
- Lavadog ( You are an awesome artist did you know that o: )
- Guguzi ( A great friend im gonna teach yeah Greek o: )
- Hikikomori ( Your an amazing moderator )
- Peachiesocks ( I always and will admire you )
- Rogroze ( An awesome agent and a really good old friend )
- Rolex ( A great agent and friend )
- Birdblate ( Thanks youuh )
Thank you guys :)
If your not on the list I am sowwie o:
Some REALLY special friends did me some amazing things..
Thank you Chogirl :))
I just wanted too say you guys are amazing!! :))
Thank you for everything!! :DD
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