Friday, July 2, 2010

My cho-life!!

Lets travel back in time where my chobot life started!!:)
My big discovery!!
It was a usually boring july when I started my search onn different club penguin blogs for a new game!!:) The third blog I was searching about new games was mimo's blog^-^ There I found a little banner that wrote:
Mimo777 joined chobots!
I don't clearly remember:)But then I pressed that banner and a new tab opened my computer frozed at one moment but it refreshed I did my chobot then but I couldn't find the perfect name!!Lostariel is an elvish name!!:)So then I joined chobots:)

Well first thing I was eating chocolate soo...when I logged on the first city that the name was chocolate suprised me:)So I choused that city ^-^
Cow mission!!:)
The first location that I logged on was the mission agency st.I was curious so I went inside so I moved to the third cow mission there was one chobot there:)(Don't remember its name)But he quited chobots!!:(
I was really having fun with the cow mission and thats how I got bugz!!^-^
When it was Christmas I asked my dad to make me a citizen(when I was like...134)
He said
I reseved a .... :

The 9 most lovely friendships I had^-^

Adora:We met at shop square and I ask her if she could help me with nichos:)And she did at the end of the nichos I ask her if we could be friends^-^And she added me^-^ Shes tha best friend and tha best big
sister=O On chobots I drew her:
Hechmex1:A sweet chobot,a awesome friend and a respectful one to others!!:)
He is my second best friend but I dont like to put numbers!! A little pic I took^-^
Valikoss:An awesome friend,funny,unique and a very sweet chobot^-^He gives and great advises:P
Thanks for being my friend!!:)

Elementxtreme : Ele is my video brother because we won the same time our camera:)

Peachiesocks:A very sweet chobot that her name is sooo peachie x) This is for u peachie^-^
Gelu_cool:My brother on chobot :) Hes a super cool awesome agent and I am really happy he is one^^
Fuffley:An awesome,amazing,kind,cute and a great agent and friend too:DI drew her:
Guguzi:We met in tha undergound and we were talking^-^And then she added me^-^
A super awesome artist too:DA drawing a made of her ^-^:
Girlyworlystar:A great person,chobot that I know shes going to suceed to anything!!^-^

Well this is all thanks for travelling with me^-^