Hello chobots:)
This post is a very very very very special post because is just for a special friend not just any friend!!Adora!!:D
Its her 400th birthday and I want to wish her the best things to happen to her:)
And also these is her It was made from lots of love from me to adora:)
I did lots of thing for her but she did more things than I could ever repay for her!!You are the best this is the olny thing that describes this angel:)

Their is always a growing flower in her heart like everyone else but it is growing from her love and kindness!!
A little thing I thought...
Aim for the moon....If you miss you may hit a star!!
I aimed for the moon...but I missed but I discovered a pretty star!!!!!
This is all for now:)))))
I don't know but I feel like a feather right now:D
Hech: happy birthday adora! =D -hugs-
oooooh..I have no words for your sweetness!
My friend 'Thankyou' will never say all you mean to me so I will just tell you that YOU are the STAR to me !!
Thanks you says everything just everything:)
Thanks you Addie you are the whole MOON to me!!
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